Sunday, August 15, 2010

Trapped MotherFucker!!!


Wow I haven't used this blogger site that much aye. I guess it’s because we have to do this for assessment. I don't really have any interest in blogging about myself. Anyways since this is for assessment, here is a 30 second video my group and I created. Made with only 30 photos from a camera, edited on Apple's editing software and music "stolen" from YouTube and edited with garage band.

Here it is. Enjoy...................

Lecture Review 2 -

Today’s lecture was about film and the types of cinematography that films us such as close up, long shots, medium close ups etc and why they are used. It wasn't a very interesting lecture for me as I already know all this stuff such as Rule of Thirds. However, it was better coming from Josh then say Albert Moran because Josh puts allot of effort and enthusiasm into his lectures where as Albert Moran is very boring and doesn't put in any effort. The good thing was Josh said we need to put these types of shots to good use as we were, in our lectures going to making a 30second video clip about a topic utilizing these shots. All in all it was an ok lecture even though I knew most of this.

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