This next film found on YouTube, is created by a group of young Melbourne film makers called SuperWog1 (YouTube 2010). All I can say is about this short film it, However, PARENTAL GUIDANCE RECOMMENDED!!
This next films, created by Shane Dawson for his channel on YouTube, is an amature film producer (YouTube 2010). All I can say about this film is that its funny and that you need to watch it...A.S.A.P. haha
Lecture Review 3 -
I was unfortunately unable to make it to this lecture as I fell. Hahaha. However, I did review the content that Jules & Josh put up on Learning At Griffith. I really wish I hadn't missed out on this lecture as reading it was really interesting so it probably would have been more fascinating coming from the lecturers. The lecture was about the internet and how it was created and became popular. I've always wondered about this question - "How was the internet created and when"? I always thought it was Bill Gates but he created Microsoft and he is a billionaire, yet, we don't know who created the internet and why isn't he or she mega rich?? It’s interesting to learn how each company became started and what they became known for - Microsoft for its software and Apple for their single circuit boards. What was more interesting was how the internet was created but it was still a little confusing. What was even way more interesting was how the web became popular around the 1990's. That I didn't know as I always thought the internet was popular since the early 80's. Probably because I grew up with the internet I just thought that. It was really surprising that people only really started to know the webs true potential from the 90's. It’s really interesting how far the internet has come. In 2 decades, the internet has gone from being only recognised to a must have thing in every home and what the internet is able to do for us now. I can't imagine living without it in anyway. I wonder how people before the 90's really got their information.
References - (2010) Vendetta: A Christmas Story Retrieved at: (Online), 16th August 2010
YouTube (2010) How To Be A Bimbo (Slut) With Superwog Retrieved at: (Online), 16th August 2010
YouTube (2010) Ghetto Prom From Hell Retrieved at: (Online), 16th August 2010
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