Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Lecture 7 Task -

Research and provide short answers to the following questions. Provide references where applicable.

1. What is creative commons and how could this licensing framework be relevant to your own experience at university? -

Creative Commons is a not for profit organization based in San Francisco, California, United States. They specialise in creating free softwares, licences and tools for people to legally download via their websites (CC, 2010). I've so far never had to use this website, probably because I've never heard of it till now. Since I'm doing an art course this would probably help me quite alot when it comes to trying to find photos or videos. What CC allows me to do is that I am able to use someone elses work and change it to the way I want and not get punish for it, unless I try to claim it has my own. I am also able to obtain a free licence through CC and let other people use and change my art work to however they wany to. I'm pretty sure I'm going to use this website in the next year or so as it will help with my assignments in the near future.

2. Find 3 examples of works created by creative commons and embed them in your blog. -

This video I have found is made by a group of amateur film makers. They call themselves the "Midnightchimes2" (metacafe 2010). This is a parody music video on sexual relations and is licensed by Creative Commons.

The next video I have found is a 28 minute long video called "Out Of Order" (Why Video 2010). Is a mash up of photos, animated and non-animated footages joined together to make this long video. I'll let you guys watch it instead of me describing it as it's quite funny and neat on how they have made this video.

And the last video I found is more of an educational video on Creative Commons and how users can take advantage of their websites. Its an educational and comedy video all in one made using animation. It's neat and nicely done and the band "The White Stripes" are the main protagonist in this short film.

3. Find an academic article which discusses creative commons using a database or online journal. Provide a link to and a summary of the article. -

The article I found on Creative Commons talks about how this not for profit organization has become bit of a social movement in our times creating "a platform for a wide range of ideologies that share an interest in enhancing access to works" (SSRN 2005). But also at the same time Creative Commons lacks prerequisites for open access to creative works.

Here is the link -


4. Have a look at Portable Apps (a pc based application) – provide a brief description of what it is and how you think this is useful. -

Portable Apps is a website that offers free fully open source platforms that are be able to be download via their website (PortableApps (2010). This website allows you to download a software to a portable device such as a USB stick or an iPod and use it on any computer without having to continuously download it on to every computer you go on to. I think this website is fantastic because most of the popular software programs that people download are all in one area, and also there is a wide variety of applications people can download from games to utilities to security software's and even internet programs. Now that I know this website exists I'm going to even use it.

Refrences -

CC (2010), Creative Commons Australia
Retrieved at: http://creativecommons.org.au/
(Online), 7th September 2010

Metacafe (2010), Midnightchimes2
Retrieved at: http://www.metacafe.com/channels/midnightchimes2/
(Online), 7th September 2010

PoratbleApps (2010), Portable Apps
Retrieved at: http://portableapps.com/
(Online), 7th September 2010

SSRN (2005), What Contracts Can't Do: The Limits of Private Ordering in Facilitating a Creative Commons
Retrieved at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=760906
(Online) 7th September 2010

Why Video (2010),
Out Of Order Video: Creative Commons Grab Bag
Retrieved at: http://video.whyy.org/video/1484207480/
(Online), 7th September 2010

YouTube (2010), Creative Commons - Get Creative
Retrieved at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io3BrAQl3so
(Online), 7th September 2010

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